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Lot-et-Garonne / Gers

News from the Chaplaincy Pentecost Celebration
L’église Saint Martin, Monbazillac (24240)
What a blessed day we spent together in Monbazillac, worshipping the Lord and celebrating Pentecost in joyful fellowship from across the Chaplaincy!
Wonderful memories of a very special day
From across this large and diverse Chaplaincy, almost 150 of us gathered in the church which we filled with our singing and praise. The service of Holy Communion began with Archdeacon Peter swearing in our Chaplaincy Wardens.
Preaching on the passage from Acts 2: 1-21, Tony reminded us that Pentecost is the birthday of the church worldwide. He also thanked everyone for sharing together in ministry over the past eight years.

We then went to the salle polyvalente for refreshments, where we presented Tony and Ingrid with various gifts including a photo album to remind them of their ministry in Aquitaine. We then enjoyed a picnic lunch together. Some people had brought extra and plates of delicious food were shared around.
Following lunch there was an opportunity to go for a guided walk (although heavy rain intervened!), to meet new people or deepen friendships. Our thanks to the churches who had put together displays to tell us something of their life and ministry and guide our prayers for them, as well as an interesting stand which featured the ECHO Prayer App.
Later in the afternoon, we worshipped more informally in the salle, with music from different centres leading us in songs of worship. Following the opening liturgy we sang “Sing Allelulia to the Lord” and “King of Kings, Majesty”.
A short burst of spontaneous praise was followed by “Longing for Light” and “In Christ Alone”.
David Marshall gave a brief homily reminding us of the Holy Spirit’s availability and constant help and that we are given the Spirit that we might serve the Lord and witness to His love and Kingdom. We then sang Dave Wilton’s song “Holy Spirit” which the invitation to the Spirit into music.
A farewell litany for Tony was led by Tina and Tim and followed by the Bordeaux young people registering their thanks for his ministry in a song of blessing. After a final prayer, we were led in another beautiful song of blessing before Tony sent us on our way for his final time.
With Tony’s retirement, we now move into a time of vacancy, and we pray for all stages of the recruitment process which will begin soon. Praise the Lord for a wonderful day together; may he guide the way forward!
Tony shares a message of thanks

…We were touched that so many of you had all travelled over to be present and that you obviously enjoyed spending time in each others company.
We are conscious, however, that many of you weren’t for one reason or another able to be with us and so we haven’t yet had an opportunity to thank you for all that you have done to make this Chaplaincy such a comfortable and joyous home for the last eight years.
Thank you all for the last eight or so years, it has been a joy being your Chaplain.

We are grateful for the warm welcome we received by the local community, who were very helpful and glad to enable our use of the church and salle polyvalente for our festive gathering. Many thanks to Père Thomas, the local Roman Catholic priest who allowed us to use the church for our service of Holy Communion.