Eymet Temple (24500)

Our community is committed to bringing the love and hope of Christ to impossible situations through the preaching of the gospel with a mandate that drives us to do all we can to bring help and hope to our part of South West France through the Anglican and Protestant tradition. Our head is Jesus. Our help is the Holy Spirit. Our focus is the Great Commission!

2025 Forthcoming services in the Temple

Prayer on Wednesday mornings at the Temple at 10:30

Corrie Ten Boom once asked the question: “Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?”  She meant that prayer should be ever so important for us because it is our dialogue with Almighty God. Prayer is aligning ourselves with the Almighty’s plans and purposes for our lives and for the world. The Lord shapes us by prayer. The Lord leads us through prayer. The Lord tells us in Jeremiah 29:12 that as we call on Him and come and pray to Him, He will listen to us. This is the reason we pray together every Wednesday morning from 10:30-11:30 am at the Eymet church. 
Please feel free to join us!

For more information, please contact Anne: aenadal@gmail.com 

Latest news

Article in French in October ‘Ensemble’ – watch this space


We are so pleased to have been invited to submit an article on the Chaplaincy and the Eymet Temple community in the October edition of the French Protestant magazine called ‘L’Ensemble’. Watch this space for the link when the edition becomes available.


Click here to read the summer edition, the theme is ‘L’amitié’.

Spring Spirit

We thank the Lord for the warm rays of sunshine filtering through the church windows, as spring is settling in.
After a period of reorganization and redistribution of tasks between our members following Allan and Julia’s move, our community seems to be buzzing with Springtime energy. Just as everything around us blossoms in the sun and God is at work making things new, we are slowly transforming the old 19th century temple into a refreshed and renewed place, cleaner, brighter and more welcoming.
Fresh flowers and foliage from our gardens, presented in inventive arrangements, remind us of God’s creation. To welcome young families to our services, especially during the holidays, we have improved the children’s corner and added more toys, paints, pencils and books. This is a place where young ones can play quietly on their own or receive guidance for making small artworks. We offer refreshments at the end of each worship, offering moments for friendly conversation, exchange and getting to know the newcomers. Thanks go to the teams who make this possible!


Reviving the colourful mural

We are blessed with a large mural, representing John 15.5  “I am the vine and you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear fruit”, which was created years ago for the celebration of the Felibree in Eymet. As it has faded over the years, the artwork is now in the midst of being revived in its original format. Interestingly, the individual works of art given by every member of our church and pinned on the mural have remained as vivid as ever.
With mutual encouragement, renewed energy, unified actions, we are steadily transforming the temple into a homely place where, together, we can meet, pray, discuss and build new projects for the glory of God. “How wonderful it is, how pleasant, for God’s people to live together in harmony.” (Psalm 133).

Fundraising for Charity

The Chaplaincy-wide Chap-Aid Charity Auction was started in Sept 2023, and along with online sales (via Vinted and LeBonCoin started in Jan 2024) have raised 275 € for the Henry Henderson Project in Malawi. Click on the image to join the Auction group on Facebook. Your contributions help small things to add up.

Address : Rue du Temple – 24500 Eymet


Paul Wigmore: eymetchurch@gmail.com

+33 (0)7 78 56 32 41