News & Events
Lot-et-Garonne / Gers
Our priests are happy to baptise both adults and children according to the rites of the Church of England. So if you attend church regularly and you or your parents live, for at least part of the year, within the Chaplaincy, please get in touch with the Chaplaincy Administrator: +33 (0) 6 07 04 07 77,
Please first contact the Administrator (see above) to discuss if and when it will be possible to organise a baptism.
The Church very much prefers that a baptism should form part of a regular service. In this way, a congregation can share in the joy of welcoming a new member and provide support for him or her in their Christian commitment. There should normally be at least three Godparents or Sponsors, two being of the same gender as the candidate. They must be baptised Christians, though not necessarily Anglicans; you are after all baptised into the Church and not into a particular denomination. However, it may be possible in very exceptional circumstances to arrange a private baptism, always within our constraints of availability of course.
The service is free and we do not expect any payment. However, if you wish to make a donation, it will be very welcome.
In an emergency, baptism can be conducted by any baptised person using water and with the words “ (name) I baptise you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”, or similar words.
It is always a joy for our clergy to baptise adults. This is only done as part of a regular service, so that the person can be welcomed into the congregation, and would normally lead to confirmation. Please first contact the Chaplain directly to discuss the way forward. We need to point out that you can only be baptised once in your life.
Prayers at Baptism
Faith is the gift of God to his people. In baptism the Lord is adding to our number those whom he is calling.
People of God, will you welcome these children and uphold them in their new life in Christ?
… You have received the light of Christ; walk in this light all the days of your life.
Shine as a light in the world, to the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Brille comme une lumière dans le monde, à la gloire de Dieu le Père. Amen.
For more information
Chaplaincy Administrator: +33 (0) 6 07 04 07 77,