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Lot-et-Garonne / Gers

What to do when someone dies: Please contact the Chaplaincy Administrator: - +33 (0) 6 72 31 72 87.
1 - Register the death
– First contact should be a doctor, who will sign the Death Certificate
– A declaration de decès will need to be made at the Mairie (town hall) in the commune where death occurred. If the person died in hospital, the hospital will notify the Mairie. If death occurred at home, the undertaker may do this for you. The Mairie can issue a multi-lingual copy of the Death Certificate if appropriate (Formule Plurilingue de l’Acte de Décès). This could be helpful if the estate is to be settled in a country other than France.
Once the death has been registered by the Mairie, the burial permit (permit d’inhumer) will be issued. It is advisable to obtain several original copies of all certificates as these will be needed by the undertaker, French Social Security, health insurers, pension providers and those dealing with the estate.
Click here for more information in French on declaring the death
2 - Contact an undertaker
An undertaker (Pompes Funèbres) will take care of the body and make arrangements for the actual burial or cremation. Under the ‘fourteen day rule’, French Law requires that a funeral take place within a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 14 days (as of July 2024), although this may be extended by the Prefet in exceptional circumstances. It is important that the coffin is sealed (by legal authorities) and identity verified before the funeral.
After death, the body may be transported to either a mortuary, or home location.
Burial can take place in a cemetery with the Mairie’s permission. It may be possible to reserve a burial plot by applying to the local Mairie.
Click here for more information in French about burials
Cremation – In Aquitaine there are crematoria at Agen, Bordeaux, Bergerac, Périgueux (Notre Dame de Sanilhac) and Tonneins. The ashes will be given to the family in an urn. If they are to be repatriated, the Crematorium must be advised, as the urn must be sealed appropriately. Most cemeteries have areas set aside for the burial of ashes. They may not be scattered on in public areas, roads or rivers.
Click here for more information in French about cremations
Repatriation of a Body
Should you wish to return a body to the country of origin, this can be arranged (by an International Pompes Funèbres) but is likely to be very expensive. For repatriation to the United Kingdom, the British Consulate in Bordeaux (05 57 22 21 10) can give appropriate information.
Click here for more information in French about repatriation
3 - Contact the Chaplaincy of Aquitaine
Before you agree to the date or time of a service, please telephone the Chaplaincy Administrator: – 06 07 04 07 77, who will find a priest or other appropriate person to take the service. The person who will take the funeral service will help you to plan it.
The funeral fee is 250€ + travel expenses. Music, hymns, readings, tributes, eulogy can be included according to the wishes of the family. We can usually help with support and follow-up care for the bereaved person.
Bank Access, Inheritance Issues, and the Will: A lawyer, notaire, should be contacted as soon as possible to help ensure access to bank accounts. Penalties are levied if the process of settling an estate takes too long. To find an English-speaking notaire go to: and click on the Union Jack flag for English.
4 - Planning for a Funeral in France
As funerals in France are organised quickly, we have compiled a short leaflet to use to help you think through your wishes, to leave a record for family and friends, so that their task is easier.
Do remember to ensure that if you have any important wishes about your funeral or estate, they are properly recorded in your will.
The information recorded on this leaflet should be stored with your private papers, or kept with your will.
Please contact any member of clergy if you wish to discuss any aspect of funeral preparation.
5 - Resources for friends and family
The Church of England has produced a « simple reflection » prayer liturgy for use at home, by those unable to attend a funeral.
For more information
For more information, please contact the Administrator :, +33 (0) 6 72 31 72 87