News & Events
Lot-et-Garonne / Gers
Church Life - Annual Meetings – 2024
Join us for these annual meetings held online: Saturday 20th April 2024
Chap-Aid AGM - Annual General Meeting
This meeting will be held online (via zoom) on : Sat 20th April, 10:30am. The Agenda and papers have been sent out along with the zoom link, please contact the Administrator if you did not receive this. Please note this date in your diary; all are encouraged to attend and take part in this online meeting.
Please contact someone from your local Committee/Team for more information. All are invited to attend; you would be most welcome.
Chaplaincy AGM - Annual General Meeting
This meeting will be held online (via zoom) on : Sat 20th April, 11:00am. The Agenda and papers have been sent out along with the zoom link, please contact the Administrator if you did not receive this. Please note this date in your diary; all are encouraged to attend and take part in this online meeting.
Please contact someone from your local Committee/Team for more information. All are invited to attend; you would be most welcome.
We are also planning a Chaplaincy-wide Celebration the weekend of Pentecost, 19th May, at the church and salle des fêtes in Monbazillac (24240), hoping that many will be able to join us for this special day to worship and enjoy fellowship together.
Chaplaincy Electoral Roll
Another key part of our church life and administration is the Electoral Roll. In order to vote and play a full part in both LAMs and the Chaplaincy AGM, your name must be on our Electoral Roll.
In France the roll operates slightly differently to an Electoral Roll in an English church. First and foremost, it is the membership list of our French Association Cultuelle but also the eligibility requirements reflect our diverse multi-denominational Chaplaincy.
If you are not already on the roll, or if you’re not sure, the please do contact your local wardens or electoral roll officer, or Amy or me and we can help you through the process.
Being on the roll really isn’t scary and doesn’t have any hidden pitfalls but does allow you to play a full part in, and be informed about the life of your local church and the wider Chaplaincy.
For more information
For more information, please contact the Chaplaincy Administrator :, 06 07 04 07 77