News & Events
Lot-et-Garonne / Gers
Come to Church Sunday
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Invite your friends and neighbours to church
Hope Starts Here… ‘Back to Church Sunday’, as it is more commonly known, is a global movement that started as an idea in Manchester in 2004 and which has been adopted by many Christian denominations, in many countries, and this year it is on Sunday 18th September.
Here in the Chaplaincy, we are encouraging our worshipping communities to adopt this idea on 18th September, or on another date in September if there is not a service on the 18th.
We are calling the initiative ‘Come to Church Sunday’ as some friends and neighbours may not have been part of a worshipping community before.
The idea is for us to invite people we know with a simple question, “Would you like to come to church with me, and afterwards why don’t we have Sunday lunch together?” Research shows that there are 3 million people who would come back to church if they were invited by a friend.
The key to success, say the organisers, is the personal invitation and attention such as accompanying guests to the service from the beginning.
Invitation cards will be provided to churches taking part for us to personalise and hand to people we know when we make the invitation. Service leaders and wardens will be given a ‘resource pack’ of ideas to help make the service especially welcoming and easy to follow, and user-friendly to newcomers and returners that day.
Wouldn’t it be thrilling to mobilse 300 people to invite 300 friends into a relationship with their Heavenly Father?
All are welcome!
For more information, please contact:, 06 07 04 07 77